The country of the roundabout, "companion" kitchen with hearth

The Heart
of a village

Identity, history, culture and landscape.

"Borgo Vivo' is the project that intends to breathe new life into the Cison di Valmarino area by promoting its economic and social rebirth. Promoting the presence of craftsmen throughout the year, enhancing services for residents and visitors, and increasing its attractiveness for new residents and businesses.



Creating an identifying and recognised image of the territory.


Developing an innovative and avant-garde tourism proposal.


Extending the vitality and operability of Cison di Valmarino in every season.

Because the heart

The heart, chosen as the symbol, represents a simple and universal image that embodies the vitality and passion of a cohesive community. A heart that beats in unison and marks the rhythm of time and the seasons, passing through them; the centre of an organism that breathes life into all seven hamlets of the village as parts of a single body.

An interweaving of history, tradition and nature

The roads, paths and routes that wind from the heart of the village to the main points of interest tell of a deep connection with the land, its past and its resources.


There is much more to see and experience